Cut and wound | China
Human beings, especially women,belong to a category of people who are easily injured physically and psychologically
. The real pain cannot be shared with others in words, so I used pictures to espress the pain.
Human beings, especially women,belong to a category of people who are easily injured physically and psychologically
. The real pain cannot be shared with others in words, so I used pictures to espress the pain.
The work adopts the isomorphic design technique to skillfully integrate the ancient Chinese coins,”enslaved head”,trading QR code and prohibition symbol to express the design theme of resisting human trafficking. The interesting thing is that scanning the trading QR code will truly.scan the tips of the slogan of”resisting human trafficking”,the design of the work is simple andclear,the theme is prominent,highly creative and interesting.
Human beings, especially women,belong to a category of people who are easily injured physically and psychologically
. The real pain cannot be shared with others in words, so I used pictures to espress the pain.
Human beings are not commodities, and human trafficking is resisted.
The idea is to show the sad situation of those women and girls that for the purpose of of forced labour, sexual slavery, or commercial sexual exploitation are trafficked.This may encompass providing a spouse in the context of forced marriage, or the extraction of organs or tissues, including for surrogacy and ova removal. Human trafficking is a crime against the person because of the violation of the victim’s rights of movement through coercion and because of their commercial exploitation.
The doll in this poster can be interpreted in many ways: as an innocent child, who is gone missing; as
a toy in someone else’s hands; as a doll left behind. The text on the bottom gives more information
to the viewer on this serious topic.
In my poster I wanted to represent the hide side of human traffic, by putting the font in the shape of the shadow of the men.
In the foreground you can see a man, naked and striate of shadows, like some part of his body was missing, inspired by the sentence “You can see a mans face but never his heart”
Behind, the words “stop human traffic”, mould the shape of the man’s shadow, to remind people that it is something hidden in the dark and at the same time a sad reality.
Some ridges are placed all over the poster, they are in the shape of the ones on the man’s body and they represent furrows of blood and pain.