No Trace | Jamaica

The design for the poster“No Trace” was inspired by current events that are happening in Jamaica. Since the beginning of the year 2021, there have been numerous females reported missing in various parishes without a clear trace. Human Trafficking is something that happens a lot in Jamaica, and most of the time females are the victims. I title the poster “No Trace” to emphasize the fact that the victim could be anywhere without a clear location point. My poster design acts as a call out to what is happing, using a strong voice and natural illustrative elements to identify the island of Jamaica. The phrase “ sooO Many Gone Without a Trace” was an adoption of the song lyrics given“Shadows After Dark.” This phrase contributed to the illustrative depiction of someone that is gone missing, leaving only a slipper of the victim in the middle of the road that is surrounded by natural elements. However, If you look closely you will see a sign that says“in your parish”. This was used to depict the parishes in Jamaica, which aims toward telling the viewers that this could happen in their parish as well and not just the popular parishes that are involved in human trafficking.

Man in the Dark | Jamaica

The poster design titled “Man in the Dark” was inspired by the song “Shadows after Dark.” It focuses on the danger of being alone at night or anywhere for that matter. However, within the poster, there is a man figure and a female figure that acts as shadows. The blue background colour help to represent the darks and also imitate the dark blue colour of the sky at night. The words at the back of the man figure jackets are the lyrics from the song “Shadows After Dar” which help to emphasize what is going on in the illustration. The reason for using black figures to symbolize danger, which contributes to the mood at the moment. The man figure was placed as the foreground to emphasize the power and strength he might have over the female figure. The poster design is in no way claiming that females are not responsible for the action of human trafficking too, but to rather capture the mood and scene of the event. The poster design illustrates to the viewers a message to be alert and careful at all times and to trust no stranger.