crocodile | Hungary
I would like to make a happy and colorful poster, because the reggae is happy and colorful for me. My central motif is a crocodile with the instrument of it.
I would like to make a happy and colorful poster, because the reggae is happy and colorful for me. My central motif is a crocodile with the instrument of it.
This poster shows us that reggae is another form of love. Using reggae-identical colour pallete and pattern transformation, it
shows us reggae is nothing but peace itself.
Combine reggae elements with this theme , “Reggae music, Message From Jamaica to the world” Expresses a relaxed and lively feeling, symbolizing the reggae spirit, music, love, freedom and happiness. I also hope that this poster will make more young friends like the art and culture of reggae
Reggae has spread to many countries across the world that all age can enjoy . Reggae’s music do not restrict in time , In fact listening to rhythm has become a pleasant habit for everyone.
With the Sound-systems power I would like to send a message of Love and Unity that sounds from Jamaica to the world.
Jamaica, the promise land.
With this work I wanted to reflect several aspects of life on the island that reggae music expresses in its songs, as well as influences, problems and spirituality in culture.
Arouse the truth, kindness and beauty in the innermost heart, disseminate positive energy!
in this poster, I try to display Reggae’s protesting tools is music. protest heard through music.
If the world was a stereo and Jamaica was a cassette, then there would be only the sound of love playing NON STOP.