LightUp The Darkness

The darkness, the fear, which overwhelms us, must be defeated.

And the weapon you have against him is the light. Empower the light with the ones you love most. With your loved ones, with your hobbies, with the arts, with the painting, with the game, with the music.

Exorcise the dark with the light of your soul and never let anyone or anything put you back in the dark.

And beyond… the reggae | Mexico

Just as man reached the moon, the sountrack of Jamaica reached the ears of mankind.
One of the most representative historical feats that marked humanity illustrates how reggae has taken a great leap to conquer new spaces and make humanity’s hearts vibrate. Reggae is then an adventurous musical genre that travels and transcends its vibration with the trident banner of peace and freedom.
From Jamaica to the world and from the world to Jamaica.