Smooth Moves | Finland

In Smooth Moves poster I wanted to capture the lighthearted and happy feeling of just feeling
the rhythm of the music and moving or dancing to the beat. I also wanted to show how music
can emanate good vibes, in this case reggae music so I chose the colors usually associated
with it to be the good vibes coming from the headphones.

Peace | Slovenia

Reggae’s the most known message to the world. Peace. In the rasta colours and in tropical vibes and shapes. As message of Reggae music is reminding on social and political issues, so does the poster have “issues” – skrcatches. It is not perfect, just as our world. All the background is in rasta colours, symbolising the Reggae music. The symbol peace is in red colour as an irony to it’s meaning in rasta colours – blood. It is a provocative reminder that most of the times peace was achieved through a lot of blood, war and darker times of our society. This is why we must appreciate peace and spread this message to the world, just as music does.

Reggae goes everywhere, Reggae colors the world | Italy

Reggae is, perhaps, the music that best interprets life, with all its contradictions and feelings: injustices and magnitudes, peace and anger, emotions and desires. This music, connecting body and mind, conveys profound messages using a unique rhythmic energy. This is the reason why its success has reached remote places and has influenced many musical genres across the globe. I have tried to represent this phenomenon through a vinyl (reggae music) that paints the world with a new energy and that, thanks to its messages, can inspire a deeper global awareness about important issues such as iniquity, love, endurance and human spirit.