spread by the fastest speeding | China

The poster contains 2 meanings which are spreading and speeding.
First, the Olympic flame represents the “endeavor for protection and struggle for victory. The torch with flame will be passed to every corner of the world. By passing the flame, people who are in different countries will understand the sprit. In fact, The meaning of the struggle for victory is also a core sprit for Reggae music. Therefore, this is why the Reggae music style has been globally spread, like the Olympic flame.
Second, since the Reggae come out of the world, music lovers around the world are attracted by the unique music style. The Reggae eventually stand on the World stage and become one of the mainstream styles. Just like the athletes Usain Bolt, he brought himself to the world stage with his amazing speed and become one of the legendary athletes.

Spreading love & peace | India

Music is something which heals almost everything. It is almost impossible to find someone who doesn’t feel a connection to music. In this poster, I tried to represent that reggae musing is spreading love and peace to the world, so people can connect to it. Love and peace lead to happiness. In this design, Pigeons (represent peace) are carrying the symbol of love and spreading it to the world. Green, yellow and red is associated with reggae music. Eyes of the lion in speakers of tape recorder represent the authenticity of the music. The overall idea of the design is to spread love and peace through reggae music, evoke happy memories and raise people’s spirits.