Commodity | Taiwan
Humans become commodity traffickers, so half of the human body becomes bar codes, indicating that human beings become commodities, warning people of the dangers of human trafficking.
Humans become commodity traffickers, so half of the human body becomes bar codes, indicating that human beings become commodities, warning people of the dangers of human trafficking.
Protect children from harm“Visual art and sonic art are powerful together. Working together means we can save one more child or one more person from harm and that is good.”
We call on all of you to pay attention to the violent threat or use of violent means, or through other forms of coercion, through abduction, abuse of power or abuse of vulnerable situation of “demoralizing groups”. Call for, pay attention to and help those who are trafficked to regain their freedom. The designer embeds some metal tools into the musical instruments to show the abominable behavior of demotion groups; on the other hand, it shows the plight of women and children losing their freedom because of being imprisoned. We hope to change this phenomenon with more respect and civilized behavior.
Designed according to the poetry of the background, Keep that love in your heart
Trust no shadow after dark (no shadows after dark). and
Do not trust anyone – do not trust face to face – I have used two male and female symbols to represent this event
Designed according to the poetry of the background, you can see a man s face but not heart-2
Trust no shadow after dark It’s a crazy world we’re living in
Open your eyes. and
Do not trust anyone – do not trust face to face – Use the fox to show the deception-I painted the picture with acrylic paint
The problem of human trafficking has existed throughout history, but it has received little public attention. The darkness and horror of human trafficking and human organ trafficking are not well known to the public. People have been paying attention to the methods used in human trafficking to kidnap and sell human beings, and to those who treat human beings as money bags and organs as money, but often ignore the prevention of buyers. The poster shows people’s painful expressions. It opens a window of the prison in the kidney, which is more representative of human organ trafficking. In this way, it shows that when you extend your hands to other people’s organs, you are also reaching into the cage.
The design associates the tape sealed on a person’s mouth with a barcode. Calling on people that everyone should not become a commodity, and boycotting the sale of people.
Human trafficking, like any product or service, reacts to supply and demand. If living beings were not consumed for labor, sexual explotation or illegal consumption, the rates of this cancer would descend considerably. Just like the plastic that generates garbage, say NO to human trafficking and all that it entails.
Poster created by two symbols, a supermarket cart and a cage, referring to the sale of people
metaphor about a suitcase in the shape of a knife, symbol of kidnapping and deprivation of liberty