Humans Are Not Things | Indonesia

Human trafficking must be eliminated from the world because it hurts human hearts, restraint and freedom violates human rights, we do not know that the victims cry every day to lament their fate that they cannot live in this world, violence and intimidation are like daily food they don’t know until when they are like that. Nobody knows for sure we continue to campaign to stop human trafficking to eliminate human trafficking.

Sale | Iran

Organ trafficking victims, as with most human trafficking victims, are generally poor, vulnerable populations. There are rare instances where victims are put under anesthetic and wake to find their organs missing or are murdered for their organs. As a whole, coercion of living donors is more common.

Human organs shop | Iran

Unfortunately, in recent years, cyberspace is a new platform for organ trafficking. Sites where you can buy and sell all the limbs and joints. A new method has been developed for traffickers. They work openly. For Awareness of stopping and blocking unauthorized social networking sites and networks

82-Missing | Iran

Human trafficking involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act. Every year, millions of men, women, and children are trafficked worldwide. For years, banners and labels selling body parts have becom commonplace. an image that one day was unlikely and impossible. The sale and purchase of organs can be seen on the walls of hospitals and organ donation centers.

82-abuse | China

It is often seen that abducted and trafficked people, especially women, have lost their human rights and been abused wantonly, so the simplest geometric figures are used to make simple posters, which look fresh but are actually heavy