The fantasies are not real | Mexico
The poster was made based on photography, the objective was to simulate balloons with the elements, which represent the illusions that are often used to deceive people to abuse their trust.
The poster was made based on photography, the objective was to simulate balloons with the elements, which represent the illusions that are often used to deceive people to abuse their trust.
In this poster we can see one of the most important problems around the world, the baby traffic, that should certainly be eradicated, this poster seeks to raise awareness that bellies are not for sale.
This poster represents organ trafficking, something similar to sale of cattle, because the human body is already a symbol of money and exchange, one of the most illegally trafficked organs is the kidney, an organ so valuable that it is treated as merchandise, just like beef. With this analogy I was inspired to make the poster.
This poster tries to reflect the silence of the people subjected and exploited in contrast to the people who pay in exchange for this silence. The use of black and white in this poster plus the color red, reflects the person who has ceased to be who he is (because he is now considered merchandise) and who also suffers. I believe that I have created a poster where simplicity predominates for a complex subject.
I wanted to represent the unconformity about the illegal organ trafficking, and that it must stop. For people like that maybe is as easy as buy something online, but it is not! They must think first with the heart.
Sexual exploitation is one of the forms of violence against girls, boys and adolescents. This problem exists all over the world, where these victims are subjected to the power of the adult world.
It is time to stop this abuse.
This poster is made in order to create awareness about human trafficking and thus be able to reach many people so that this stops