fetter. | China
Under the skirt is fetter.
The house is isomorphism with the children asking for help, which expresses that the trafficked children are very homesick.
A victim’s struggling hand is isomorphic to a chicken, Emphasize that people are not food, No sale!
Any dark”tree”will always collapse one day, and some forces act as a catalyst to speed up its collapse speed, music is undoubtedly one of them.
Wither goodwill, children are naive and kind, they can not tell the good guys from the bad guys, their goodwill will be given to anyone, and the traffickers destroy this goodwill, the fight against human trafficking starts from us.
This poster was created by three people ,Fei Li ,Lu Lu Ameng Liu,they all from the visual communication design studio in the school of architecture and art, Central South University of China. The poster uses color contrast, repetition, variegation and other forms of design expression, strong impression and psychological cognition brought by color, and expresses the feelings of grief of the trafficked with empathy.
It symbolizes the buyers of human trafficking as hands full of desire. Reach out to the ignorant people who are on the road of life, and pull them into endless darkness, slowly and little by little.
Use two flowers to express the most vulnerable women and children two groups of people,the branches below the symbol of the dollar symbol to symbolize the sale.