Watch out for traps | China

Watch out for traps, you can see a man’s face but not his heart. Driven by financial interests, they betray their conscience and traffic human beings. In life, people should raise their awareness of self-prevention. I believe in the future when no one will become a victim of human trafficking.

California Dreamin | Taiwan

There are approximately 14,500 to 17,500 people per year are trafficked into the United States of America.
Some of them will do whatever it takes to make their dreams come true while not being aware of the danger.
Many peoples from poor, developing countries are naive and willing to sacrifice everything for their “dream lives”…

Old for New | China

A large part of human trafficking is the trafficking of organs. The poster takes the form of anatomical drawings of the human body, and coins are exposed under the hollowed out organs. Organs can be old for new, which reflects the cruel money transaction in organ trafficking.

躺在眼睛里 | China

The color of the pupils in the eyes is the base color of the pupils of the three major colored people in the world, representing that resisting human trafficking is not the task of a few countries alone, but a goal that everyone should work together. The dark hues, the distorted perspective, the dark cages, the confining handcuffs, the abstract perpetrators of evil. These are the true picture of what is inside the hearts of trafficked children, and these negative emotions and inner thoughts will stay with them for the rest of their lives. It shows the harm and impact of human trafficking. Therefore, it is the responsibility and duty of everyone in the world to resist human trafficking, which concerns you and me.

Humans are not for sale | Poland

In my project I wanted to show how important the problem is modern slavery. The main idea was to show that a human is not something that can be sold or bought, like merchandise on store shelves. To express it, I used simple symbols – a chain, a human head, a shop label. Strong contrasting colors emphasize the strength of my message.