Bad Chain | Turkey
Everyone has born with a chain, on the chain of some is their god. For others, the chain is their own mind, but the chain of some is prisoned in the hands of others.
Everyone has born with a chain, on the chain of some is their god. For others, the chain is their own mind, but the chain of some is prisoned in the hands of others.
On average, girls first become victims of sex trafficking at 13 years old. What terrible and heartbreaking statistics! It should not happen. I wanted to make a poster to draw attention to this – that they are only children! Find these men who did this – the men who sexualised children, who used them, who stole their childhood, who used their misery and weakness.
When in difficult situations, we search for people who can help. But unfortunately there are people who use others’ miseries for gaining wealth, to have pleasure or just to play with others’ lifes for fun. They are in disguise, they pretend to care, they promise big and nice things. The question is – are these hands here helping? If they give pain, then no! If they leave no rights – no! Helping hands are kind, they give shelter and heal wounds. And give freedom. Freedom.
Because women are the main target group of human trafficking, the poster uses the red lips of women and the positive and negative forms of the band to express the rejection of human trafficking through music and call for public attention to human trafficking.
Human trafficking is prohibited! A family that loses its family is like a guitar that loses its knobs.
Using red lips and saxophone to sound the anti-rafficking message, while also expressing reggae’s passion.
Through labour exploitation, children are kept in cages, confined and desperate by the loss of their freedom,
and begin to yearn for freedom and redemption, thus drawing attention to the social problem of human trafficking.
Human trafficking and modern slavery are terms often used interchangeably for crimes in which traffickers abuse and sexually exploit adults or children. Trafficking and sexual exploitation of a person under the age of 18 is a crime, regardless of whether it was done by force, deception or intimidation. Child trafficking involves the recruitment, transportation, transfer, shelter or reception of children for exploitation. Commercial sexual abuse of children can take many forms. These include forcing a child into prostitution or other forms of child sexual or obscene activity. The International Labor Organization acknowledges that sex trafficking affects approximately 4.5 million people worldwide. Most victims find themselves in forced and abused situations that are both difficult and dangerous to escape.
The poster is combined with an umbrella and a guitar, with a woman’s face and tears under the umbrella, symbolizing the protection of girls and the fight against human trafficking.