Everyone is born free, everyone lives for freedom.
Everyone is born free, everyone lives for freedom.
The COVID-19 pandemic has devastated human lives, the global economy, and educational systems. At the same time, criminal enterprises have evolved in the face of stay-at-home lockdowns and travel bans, using the pandemic as an opportunity to exploit those economically disaffected. Lockdowns are conducive to human trafficking more than ever.
The following topic is portrayed by a small hand of a girl trying to get out of a traveling luggage, where she’s hidden in plain sight
When I first started to search for a concept for my poster, I started reading about human trafficking. I couldn’t believe the numbers that came up from a brief search. Although what I found was shocking, I decided to keep searching to find something related to human trafficking that is hidden in our day-to-day lives. And then I found it. The use of children on cacao farms. Child labor or child slavery, however you want to call it. The use of children to bring us the chocolate we eat. I used a picture of a cacao pod, and inside of it placed the faces of children most frequently found to be working on cacao farms. With this imagery, I hope to shock the viewers while they work out what they are looking at. I hope that this poster will help consumers think twice when looking at the simple chocolate bar we are all so familiar with.
i wanted to make reference to an ancient scene for this illustrated poster work.
The poster depicts a vending machine with people in it, next to a person who bought a person. I use Chinese ink painting to call on people to stop human trafficking. People are not commodities.
The poster shows two children on swings in a birdcage and a bird flying to freedom. This symbolizes human trafficking of children mostly those who are forced to leave their innocent childhood and become adults at a very young age. It shows how children should be allowed to be children and not forced to work or become someone’s wife. These issues should concern us all and we should do our part in helping as much as we can.
The idea is that when we talk about human trafficking, humans are used as clothing. They are used once and are left in the basket until they are washed and can be used again
This symbolic poster is a means to express all the suffering that these people who traffic in humans generate to society, families and individuals