Sweet trap | China
Sweet trap
The poster consists of an illustration depicting humans as dolls, stripped off of their will power, forced to walk down a path of slavery and seen as mere objects to be used. All this, paired along with the bold ‘END THIS MODERN SLAVERY’ is meant to bring awareness regarding human trafficking to the public eye.
The artwork named “noTrust” is a reminder of danger. People cant see anyone’s true faces, and the artwork is based on that idea. We cant see the man’s face but we have to know that we shouldnt trust anyone.
I tried to portray the reality of human trafficking through tis poster. Getting passed the border may seem like a good idea for some. but once you cross it, you become a product for sale.
Controlling people’s behavior should stop immediately.
The chefs (sellers) and diners (buyers) are enjoying the gingerbread men (victims) on the plate. With the color change of the gingerbread men and the fading decorations, they also represent the exploited body and mind.
Life is like a long, long line. When bad things happened in some poor people’s lives, I hope that a pair of scissors
appears in their lives to cut the line and stop the bad things hurting them. My painting shows that a devil claw chasing
a group of children and a woman with her baby, and a pair of giant scissors will end the human trafficking. The line
will have a new beginning.
The brown female stand for the earth and the country . The white children stand for human beings. The child exposed
from the mother’s torn womb is the people who suffer human trafficking. I painted layers of butterfly wings wrap their
bodies to stand for the or the strength of countless people who strive for stopping human trafficking. I hope these
wings piercing the darkness can bring light one day, and there is no more pain in the world.
The poster alludes to illegal human trafficking in order to draw public attention to this problem. The situation presented in the poster alludes to creating intoxicated people in suitcases for the purpose of selling them later. The poster can also be interpreted as a “garbage can”, i.e. the powerlessness of the victims towards their captors.
Sick Mood at Sunset, Despair.
Trust no shadows after dark.
Soon as you blink, no one can hear the scream.
Beware of human trafficking.