SHADOW | Poland
Only money matters. Scared woman obscured symbol of the US currency. There is blood! Excerpt from the lyrics of the song Shadows After Dark
Only money matters. Scared woman obscured symbol of the US currency. There is blood! Excerpt from the lyrics of the song Shadows After Dark
My poster touches on people who have progressed in hope, but who died at sea when they were deceived by human
traffickers and the safety of life and property was disregarded
My poster is dedicated to the most frequent victims of the slave trade. The woman is trying to hide and save the child. The color scheme hints at the fact that she is naked. The contrasting black cage represents all the evil of this crime.
People who dream of living abroad are enslaved by falling into the traps of human smugglers.
Woman’s head in a pool of blood. The destiny of women and children who are strains of human trafficking
People who dream of living abroad are enslaved by falling into the traps of human smugglers.
Be careful of the person you trust, be careful, he may be a trafficker.
Human trafficking and modern slavery are terms often used interchangeably for crimes in which traffickers abuse and sexually exploit adults or children. Trafficking and sexual exploitation of a person under the age of 18 is a crime, regardless of whether it was done by force, deception or intimidation. Child trafficking involves the recruitment, transportation, transfer, shelter or reception of children for exploitation. Commercial sexual abuse of children can take many forms. These include forcing a child into prostitution or other forms of child sexual or obscene activity. The International Labor Organization acknowledges that sex trafficking affects approximately 4.5 million people worldwide. Most victims find themselves in forced and abused situations that are both difficult and dangerous to escape.
Human trafficking is a worldwide phenomenon.
The media is continuously raising awareness and concern about it.
So does, through posters, graphic design.
The victims of human trafficking originate from the poor and repressed social classes.
In this poster, the human silhouette cut into a sheet board is a vivid symbol of their ordeal.
A shadow in the dark…