Crusifixion | Greece

Trafficked women and girls encounter high rates of physical and sexual violence, including homicide and torture, psychological abuse, horrific work and living conditions, and extreme deprivation while in transit. Crusifixion is a metaphor for all this abuse.

Never shopping | Mexico

Human trafficking, like any product or service, reacts to supply and demand. If living beings were not consumed for labor, sexual explotation or illegal consumption, the rates of this cancer would descend considerably. Just like the plastic that generates garbage, say NO to human trafficking and all that it entails.

Rotting meat | Mexico

Human trafficking, like any product or service, reacts to supply and demand. If living beings were not consumed for labor, sexual explotation or illegal consumption, the rates of this cancer would descend considerably. Just like the plastic that generates garbage, say NO to human trafficking and all that it entails.

Devil in the world | China

Human trafficking activities in the world are still rampant at present. We should pay attention to the people who are engaged in illegal activities of human trafficking, and we should also pay attention to the large number of demanders behind this. They treat each and every living life as a handy item in the vending machine, and perhaps they are the real demons in the world.

Break the silence | Cyprus

Personally i was never really aware of this specific issue that is going on in the world so this project helped me look for it and understand the whole meaning. I am actually really sad about what some people get through in their lives especially when it comes to human trafficking. It makes me feel disgusted to be called a human being. I never experienced anything like this but i am positively sure that if i ever face something like this i wouldn’t even hesitate to help people that seek help and that is the reason why i am naming my title as “Break the Silence”.

Silenced | Belgium

In my poster I am portraying all the women (but also men) who are being silenced due to human trafficking. The focus is put on the woman with a neutral background to really portray the victim. You can see she is tired, as the victim she has to obey. But we as a humanity are also tired. I purposely didn’t give het bruises or tears to avoid the clichés. Despite her situation, she is still a strong woman. I don’t mean to shock but to put the focus on her mouth and her silence. Silence can be very powerful.