Tek Weh | Jamaica

The poster design titled “Tek Weh” was inspired by school girls that have been victims of human trafficking over the years. I have experienced the trauma of my friends losing their sister to human trafficking. In the poster design, I have used that story as a way of illustrating the feel and the reality of the event. The poster design depicts a sad little girl in her blue school uniform, with her bag pack in the middle of a black cage being carried by a hand holding a black rope. The black rope and the cage symbolized the dark and illegal activities being done. The dark gray background represents the feeling of the event taking place that overall surrounds fear and the trauma. I used a dark skin little girl with afro-textured hair to touch on the genuineness and innocence of the victim. The text “Another one ah get Tek Weh” is to direct the viewer to the action of what is happening. In relation to the song lyrics, of “Shadow after Dark” there is a part in it that said, “Another life ah get stolen,” in which I reformed to and say “Another One a Get Tek Weh” to emphasize the Jamaican patois so that it could be more relatable to Jamaican viewers.

Price sticker | Japan

[Art director:Yasutaka Kimura, Designer:Ryosuke Kaneda]
The fact that incredible behavior continues to occur around the world, “putting a price sticker on a child’s hand, which we usually see, puts the price on the child and sells it.” Expressed the message that is close to us. A poster that makes the world view of the positive impression that parents and children hold hands, and the extraordinary sense of incongruity of the price sticker creates an impressive contrast between light and darkness, and makes people aware of the existence of children who are sold like things. I hope it will be a work that asks the hearts of many people about human trafficking, which is an inhumane act.

Message from the darkness | Japan

[Art director:Yasutaka Kimura, Designer:Ryosuke Kaneda]
Description: The truth behind the innocent girl’s smile was the appearance of a girl trapped in the dark world with a sad expression. A poster with a strong message that contrasts the girl’s smile and sadness in the world of light and dark, and appeals the problem of human trafficking straight to people’s hearts. I made it with the hope that it will be a trigger to rescue many children suffering from human trafficking and eliminate the damage caused by human trafficking.

Every family should be complete | China

The scattered puzzle pieces put together form the whole. The puzzle pieces are like every family member in the family, only when the puzzle returned to their place is complete.
Every family member is drawn on each puzzle, one of the puzzles is not where it should be, which symbolizes her being abducted by human traffickers. The black puzzle symbolizes the shadow in the hearts of all family members.
The color of the poster is black, white and gray, which embodies sadness and loss of life.
Because more cases are children being trafficked, the design is also considered from the perspective of children, not only adults can understand, but also children are interested in understand and think.
Stop human trafficking, every family should be complete.