Modern Slavery | Chile
The human being is treated as an object
“Let’s Talk About It!” Talking about the problem would help to prevent human trafficking. Serious Talks! is hard to do it sometimes, but it has to happen. This should be a current topic also in schools. Prevention and information are keys into fighting against human trafficking and modern day slavery.
The theme of human trafficking is reflected through the symbiosis of suitcases and human figures. The people bound in the towed suitcases are sad and do not know where they will be taken.
Organ trafficking is the practice of stealing or buying organs through exploitation to be sold on a black market for profit.
If the child believes in the bad guys like a clown smile and candy lure, will fall into the abyss of being trafficked
Human trafficking must be eliminated from the world because it hurts human hearts, restraint and freedom violates human rights, we do not know that the victims cry every day to lament their fate that they cannot live in this world, violence and intimidation are like daily food they don’t know until when they are like that. Nobody knows for sure we continue to campaign to stop human trafficking to eliminate human trafficking.
Shadow After Dark,
It is dark outside with lots of hurt and thieves there is a big NO to human trafficking.
This is a sinful comb, and the red hair strands the trafficked person on the comb.
You think society is not so dark, just because you don’t see the darkness.
The idea behind the design of this poster is to depict the slaughter of humans for organ trafficking. That attempt has been made to show this process from captivity to dismemberment by depicting a device.