Human trafficking | Taiwan
Use the barcode to transform into the shape of a shopping cart, showing the situation of human trafficking
Use the barcode to transform into the shape of a shopping cart, showing the situation of human trafficking
Use barcodes to become shackles, presenting the problem of human trafficking
Use the barcode to transform into the shape of a shopping cart, showing the situation of human trafficking
The apparel industry as a whole is a huge vehicle for human trafficking, and every step of the supply chain for most of the cotton that is produced is plagued by child labor and modern day slavery.
Uzbekistan is the 8th largest producer and the 11th largest exporter of cotton in the world. This poster shows a label of a cotton t shirt
human traffickers not only steal freedom, they also take human dignity by turning a victim into commodity, a parcel that suffers soundlessly. If he tries to shout, the goods will be disposed of as defective
The theme of where is my kid picture is the image of the opened Russian dolls, the main body of which is the opened Russian dolls, and the small dolls disappear, which shows the extent of the damage of human trafficking to the family and society. The well-known image of traditional dolls deeply appeals to people to resist human trafficking.
Using luggage as a travel token .
– Use of police inspection gates for inspection .
It was a sign of death , hardship , and the help of a hard way of going .
You cannot purchase people like goods.. No to human trafficking !
Sometimes people won’t understand what they’re looking at, how people feel until it happens to them.
Muslim women live as if they are wearing veils, and they are oppressed, have no freedom, and are even threatened by war, domestic violence and peddling.