Beware the STRANGER friendly | Mexico
Not everyone have good intentions to help. We always have to be on the lookout when a stranger offers us help, we never know with certainty what their true intentions are
Not everyone have good intentions to help. We always have to be on the lookout when a stranger offers us help, we never know with certainty what their true intentions are
The root of Human Trafficking is greed. Love of money. And the people who profit from it are evil.
Human beings, especially women,belong to a category of people who are easily injured physically and psychologically
. The real pain cannot be shared with others in words, so I used pictures to espress the pain.
Human beings, especially women,belong to a category of people who are easily injured physically and psychologically
. The real pain cannot be shared with others in words, so I used pictures to espress the pain.
Human beings, especially women,belong to a category of people who are easily injured physically and psychologically
. The real pain cannot be shared with others in words, so I used pictures to espress the pain.
The entire poster focuses on the bipolarity of the concepts of trust and illusion. The central relief is in fact a shadow that at first glance seems to belong to an angel, but actually the wings are large hands ready to kidnap another human being.
Human trafficking is given a more tangible visual form to the people that don’t know how serious the problem is and how casually it happens every day in many countries. The human trafficking theme is combined with our every day shopping receipt, and with that, it gives the spectator a new perspective on the problem. The illustration takes takes the viewer into the shoes of the human reseller which gives him an insight of the situation, and hopefully causes a greater awareness of this problem.
Children are the most vulnerable to become easily hurt physically and emotionally. Don’t measure them as a stimulated ingredient of your pleasure. They are not a product, but a human being.