68-Candy and traps | China
Traffickers often use various kinds of candy to lure children, leaving these children and their families into a trap of eternal doom.
Traffickers often use various kinds of candy to lure children, leaving these children and their families into a trap of eternal doom.
A man with his hands tied, a bar code like a cage. Always be warned: stop human trafficking.
The rose is the vivid representation of those who have been silenced and deprived of freedom of expression. The women who have been locked up. Men who have had to silence mistreatment out of shame. And all their cries of despair and help have turned into tears.
Behind the trafficking of women is a huge interest chain
Unfortunately, although we are in the 21st century, human trafficking is not over yet. Those who do this trade globally should be punished most severely. But until it’s over, we should hear them; we should help them.
The poster deals with trafficking in women. The perforation is like of commercial product, an image of how the trafficked women are being treated.
The rough tearing is a way to show the pain and make the viewer identify with the women.
Human trafficking essentially is slavery – brutally exploiting people. It happens not only in the developing countries but also in the developed countries. My poster emphasizes on setting people free from the bloody hand of trafficker.