68-I want to go home | Taiwan
Human trafficking is rampant, and children are sold by adults’ selfishness, but no one has ever thought about the feelings of those children. Perhaps their greatest wish is just to go home.
Human trafficking is rampant, and children are sold by adults’ selfishness, but no one has ever thought about the feelings of those children. Perhaps their greatest wish is just to go home.
we should all care more about the people around us.
Poster is about helping the children who need you, talk to children around you. Build a society where children can trust individual and make people know need for social and emotional learning.
The poster shows 3 men (2 women and 1 man) who are stacked up in the shape of a dollar.
Most common tactis of human traffickers includes threats and psychological manipulation. In the poster that situation it is represneted. As showns the victim being atracted to a trap in the shape of a harmless flower
If a person was traded like an object, it will destroy a person’s entire life, he or she will be used infinitely, feel pain and despair, and finally end their lives when there is no value. Take burning candles as an example to illustrate the fate of trafficked persons.
The main purpose of the poster is to increase people’s awareness of human trafficking. Creating this artwork to demonstrate one of the results of being trafficked, Eventually, make audiences increase awareness about the human trafficking problem and also the awareness about self-protection.
The text information on the poster is from the real information sold on the Internet. It is heartbreaking to sell a human being as a commodity with a price tag. So I made these two posters. Tying the wire means losing freedom, and labeling the goods means selling.
If our children are trafficked, they will lose their hope and so will we. We must protect our hope to grow up healthy and happy.
You look at the world with eyes full of fear and helplessness.do not be afraid
Kind people will do their best,Protect the mothers.Protect the elders
And Protect our children.From the hurts and the thieves out there
This Poster is about the victims of human trafficking ,the women and girls.The women who are taken captive for forced labor and sexual issues and promote slavery and experience a life with death.
I’ve selected a shoe and women foot that can be symbol of women and girls and the barbed wire that shows the restraint and the pressure in life . I’ve used yellow color because it is one of the three colors of the Jamaica flag . I’ve put the subject in the middle of the frame and only shows being and a faint shadow that is a sign of distrust but on the other side can be hope for a good life .
And my goal of designing this poster is to show the dark world of dirty business and the destruction of the lives of people who can live comfortably and safely in beautiful and prosperous Jamaica