The International Reggae Poster Contest and VP Records are pleased to announce the top 100 winners of our limited-edition poster competition on human trafficking, ”Shadows After Dark.”
The competition was launched on November 27th, 2020 to highlight the consequences of human trafficking and advocate for its prevention. The recruiting, transporting, transferring, receiving and harbouring of a person by force, coercion or other means for the purpose of exploitation are all gross violations of human rights. The Jamaica National Task Force Against Trafficking In Persons (NATFATIP) lent its support to this timely competition. Human trafficking is a reality in Jamaica where sexual exploitation and forced labour are the two main forms of human trafficking. NATFATIP’s core emphases are the prevention and suppression of trafficking in persons, the prosecution of offenders, and the protection and provision of assistance to victims of trafficking.
The global response to the call for entries was overwhelming. We received 2190 posters, submitted by 1157 artists from 70 countries: Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belgium, Belize, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Kenya, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Macedonia, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Palestine, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sudan, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tanzania, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Yemen, and Zimbabwe.
The judging process took place in three stages with three panels. The first consisted of the international designers Yong Huang, China; Hossein Mohammadi Vahidi, Iran; Onur Aşkin, Turkey; Mary Anne Pennington, USA; Lila Skanavi, Greece; Kathiana Cardona OpArt, Venezuela; Rikke Hansen, Denmark; Tomoko Miyagawa, Japan; Donnette Cooper, Jamaica/USA and Naandeyé García Villegas, Mexico.
The second panel comprised the international designers Antonio Castro, USA; Arafat Al-Naim, United Arab Emirates; Byoungil-Sun, Korea; Chaz Maviyane-Davies, Zimbabwe; Claudia Tello, Mexico; Elizabeth Resnick, USA; Mehdi Saeedi, Iran; Susana Machicao, Bolivia; Yossi Lemel, Israel; Zhijun Wang, China.
The final selection of the 10 best posters was made by Aaron Talbert, Vice President Sales and Marketing, VP Records; Michelle Williams, Director, Jamaica, Caribbean and Latin America, VP Records; Ms. Chenee Russell, Ministry of National Security, Jamaica; Ms. Deneise Sealy, Charge d’Affaires, Permanent Mission of Jamaica to the United Nations; Alborosie, reggae music artist; and Carolyn Cooper, Professor Emerita, University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica and a board member of the Intl. Reggae Poster Contest. The exhibition dates and venues will be announced shortly.
And the Winners Are:
1st place: Peng Zuo Biao, Hong Kong. Title: Helpless Eyes
2nd place: Vinicio Sejas, Bolivia. Title: Coerced
3rd place: Alice Drueding, United States. Title: Human Trafficking Is Slavery
004 | Victor Barrera | Colombia | No More Fake Smiles
005 | Ana Vigil Escalera Carriles | Mexico | Don’t trample on me
006 | Giulia Di Sanzo | Italy | Nobody Has a Price. Everyone Has a Heart.
007 | Song Xuejun, Song Suejun | China | Return My Freedom
008 | Wei Su | Canada | End Modern Slavery Now
009 | Juan Arredondo | Guatemala | The Hand of Power (La Mano de Poder)
010 | Hadi Golchin | Iran | Don’t Be Ashamed To Ask For Help
011 | Cagdas Inci | Turkey | Tears In the Sea
012 | Betha Almanfaluthi | Indonesia | Entangled In Modern Slavery
013 | Jianfei Lu | China | Stop Human Trafficking
014 | Aleksandra Runde | Latvia | Helping Hands
015 | Patrycja Longawa | Poland | STOP HUMAN TRAFFICKING 2
016 | Raqee Najmuldeen | Iraq | I’m Not a Machine
017 | Yunsheng Liao | China | Dark Silence
018 | Carmit Haller | United States | Stop Human Trafficking
019 | Yanghong Wei | China | Struggle
020 | Andrew Cuellar | United States | Faux Promises
021 | Kai Xu | China | Stop Human Trafficking
022 | Vahid Fanodi | Iran | Humanoid Wolves
023 | Alejandro Rivera-Plata | Colombia | Snatched
024 | Jade Hernandez | United States | False Promises
025 | Jianfei Lu | China | Selling Women
026 | Asimina Palatianou | Greece | Shoe
027 | Marco Natolli | Italy | Crying Matrioska
028 | Afsaneh Rezaei | Iran | Human Trafficking
029 | XuWei Zhang | China | Moving Shackles
030 | May Algazi | Israel | Trafficking Women
031 | Ehsan Ghaseminia | Iran | Stop Human trafficking 02
032 | Yanaisy Puentes Cruz | Cuba | Trust Not
033 | Lei Wu | China | Stop Human Trafficking
034 | Μanos Stamatinos | Greece | Not Just a Piece Of Meat!
035 | Deniz Yuksel | Turkey | Inalienable Rights
036 | Yanan Shen | China | Put a Price On
037 | Zui Tao | China | Beware of Human Trafficking
038 | Tianwen Yu | China | Prohibition Of Child Labor
039 | Valerie Štecová | Czech Republic | Intimate Evil
040 | Kaldor Kata | Hungary | NO – Human Trafficking 2
041 | Zeynep Ipek Demir | Turkey | Chain Swing
042 | Chen Xin | China | EMPTY
043a | Ding Wenjing | China | If Trafficking Is Not Stopped
043b | Ding Wenjing | China | If Trafficking Is Not Stopped 2
044 | Yijie Zhang | China | A Human Life Is Not An Object
045 | Azam Safari | Iran | Stop Human Trafficking
046 | Vinicio Sejas | Bolivia | Trapped
047 | Chen Xin | China | The Profit
048 | Yanghong Wei | China | The Shadow Of Children
049 | Yunsheng Liao | China | Stop Human Trafficking
050 | Vinicio Sejas | Bolivia | Not An Object
051 | Robert Young | Canada | Slaves On Sale
052 | Yanghong Wei | China | Human Trafficking
053 | Wojciech Osuchowski | Czech Republic | Organs
054 | Liu Yu-Ting | Taiwan | Traffick Jam
055 | Yumeng Yan | China | Trafficking In Women
056 | Ruifeng Hong | China | Trapped Hope
057 | Kai Huang | China | You Can See a Man’s Face But Not His Heart
058 | Wojciech Zatorski | Poland | STOP
059 | Lujun Wu | China | Stop Human Trafficking
060 | Lin Xin Kai | Taiwan | Concern
061 | Ivan Kashlakov | Bulgaria | Human Beings Are Not For Sale
062 | Mingliang Li | China | Women Are Not Commodities
063 | Mitra Mohamadi | Iran | Missing
064 | Liu Wei | China | Stop the Traffic
065 | Tamar Leibowitz | Israel | The Dark Side Of Chocolate
066 | Hossein Abdi | Iran | Organ Trafficking
067 | Huihan Yang | China | Darkness
068 | Eduardo Davit | Uruguay | Breaking Chains
069 | Kleyner Arley Nogueira | Brazil | Not a Doll
070 | Furkan Elibol | Turkey | Light At the End Of the Sea
071 | Umut Durmusoglu | Turkey | Borders and Life Jacket
072 | Lin Wen Yin | Taiwan | Stop Human Trafficking
073 | Shouwei Chen Shouwei Chen | China | “Moldy Candy”
074 | Nabil Mendjeli | Algeria | HELLp
075 | TingFang Yu | China | Candy and Traps
076 | ChunLin Zeng | China | Commodity Children
077 | Jorge E. Martinez | United States | Barbed Wire As Stockings
078 | Cheng Yang | China | stop human trafficking
079 | Anna Kniejewska | Poland | Euro
080 | Christoph Stettler | Switzerland | Stop Human Trafficking
081 | Tisca Jagtap | India | Mankind
082 | Wojciech Zatorski | Poland | Trust No Shadow
083 | Zuzanna Lewandowska | Poland | Stop Human Trafficking
084 | Liran Yi | China | Viper
085 | Cinthya Guadalupe GonzÁlez Wong | Mexico | The Silence Of Slavery
086 | Luz Barrera | Mexico | Don’t Take the Money
087 | Gokhan Danacioglu | Turkey | Please Help Us
088 | XuWei Zhang | China |SOS
089 | Kaled Avila | Mexico | Not Valid
090 | Eric Boelts | United States | It’s About The Money
091 | Maneesha Warkade | India | Help Her
092 | Fu Yongkang | China | Sugar-Coated Bullet
093 | Aulia Lukman Hakim | Indonesia | Not For Sale
094 | Hsieh I Chen | Taiwan | I Want To Go Home
095 | Teh Sze Yen | Malaysia | Child Sex Trafficking
096 | Elif Zeynep Kutlu | Turkey | Sold Out
097 | Elwell jobs | China | Abuse
098 | Shu Zhi Yun | China | Homeward Bound
099 | Christoph Stettler | Switzerland | End Human Trafficking
100 | Ilkim Guven | Turkey | Hope