The International Reggae Poster Contest® extended the submissions of posters for Women In Reggae. New Deadline: April 15, 2022.

The Mission of the contest: Toward a Reggae Hall of Fame – Celebrating Great Jamaican Music

OBJECTIVE: The objective of the International Reggae Poster Contest is to build awareness for positive reggae music and to celebrate the global achievements of reggae and its impact on the world. The term reggae, as used by the contest, encompasses all the popular Jamaican musical genres: ska, rocksteady, roots reggae, dub, dancehall, and the unique Jamaican Soundsystem.

The theme of this year’s contest: Women in Reggae Music


As we celebrate our 10th anniversary and Jamaica’s 60th year of Independence, the IRPC contest honours women in and of reggae and all other genres of Jamaican popular music. We wish to highlight the many roles of women in the Jamaican music industry, such as songwriter, singer, DJ, producer, artist manager, tour manager, booking agent, publicist and entertainment journalist. The outstanding careers of these women have been central to the development and expansion of Jamaica’s greatest cultural export.

We also honour the women whose powerful roles in society as freedom fighter, cultural activist and nurturer are documented in Jamaican music. We are looking for creative visual expressions that evoke this year’s theme, showcasing women with the energy and vibe for which Jamaican culture is known at home and internationally.

We urge you to avoid designing portraits and interpret the theme in other creative ways.

Competition dates are as follows:

  • Submissions open February 1, 2022.
  • Submissions close April 15, 2022.
  • Voting dates: June 15 to July 31, 2022.
  • Announcement of winners: August 15, 2022

The top 100 posters will be selected by a jury panel of international design professionals.

ELIGIBILITY: The 8th International Reggae Poster Contest 2022 is open to all graphic designers and artists internationally. Artists/designers are allowed to submit an unlimited number of original poster entries. Posters should not have been published on the Internet or on any form of social media.