The Positive Vibration Festival of Reggae and the International Reggae Poster Contest (IRPC), in collaboration with Rebel Soul, the Constellations Gallery and the Arts Council England, organized the 17th successful “Art of Reggae” exhibition which opened in the city of Liverpool, UK on June 1,  2016. This distinctive exhibition, now in its 4th year, featured the top 100  posters from designers worldwide.
Rory Taylor, Director of Rebel Soul, opened the exhibition at the Constellations Gallery.  There was a  huge gathering of art and reggae enthusiasts who came out to see the diverse range of amazing posters.  Balazs Pakozdi, who won 1st place in our 2013 contest, Jerry Neville, who placed 10th that same year, and  Greek reggae artist I-Mitri Counteraction all attended the opening.  Maria Papaefstathiou,  co-founder of IRPC, was also present.
The opening also included a silent auction.  Eighty-three posters were sold over the twenty days of the exhibition.  We are delighted to announce that the IRPC raised £1,800 from the silent auction for the Alpha Boys School in Kingston, Jamaica. The remaining seventeen posters will be donated to various charitable organizations around Liverpool, including the North West Cancer Research Centre.
We thank everyone who helped make this exhibition one of our most successful! Special thanks to Rory Taylor, Collen Chandler, Ben Power and Mark Ross for setting up the exhibition and making sure everything was perfect!

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