Elizabeth Resnick is a Professor Emerita and former chair of Graphic Design at Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston, Massachusetts. She earned her B.F.A. and M.F.A. degrees in Graphic Design from Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, Rhode Island.

Professor Emerita Resnick is a passionate design curator who has organized seven comprehensive design exhibitions: Within/Without: The Art of Russell Mills with Teresa Flavin (1991); Dutch Graphic Design: 1918–1945 with Alston Purvis (1994); The Art of the Poster: Makoto Saito with Jan Kubasiewicz (1999); The Graphic Imperative: International Posters of Peace, Social Justice and The Environment 1965–2005 with Chaz Maviyane-Davies and Frank Baseman (2005); Graphic Intervention: 25 Years of International AIDS Awareness Posters 1985–2010 with Javier Cortés (2010); Graphic Advocacy: International Posters for the Digital Age: 2001–2012 (2012), and Women’s Rights Are Human Rights: International Posters on Gender-based Inequality, Violence, and Discrimination (2016), investigates gender-based inequalities deeply entrenched in every global society.

Professor Emerita Resnick has led poster workshops and lectured throughout the United States, Mexico, Ireland, England, China, South Korea, Iceland, Poland, and Bolivia. Her posters have been displayed in the Warsaw Poster Biennial, Bolivian Poster Biennial, and BICM Mexican Poster Biennial and included in many International invitational exhibitions.

Her books include The Social Design Reader, Bloomsbury Visual Arts (2019), Developing Citizen Designers, Bloomsbury Academic (2016), Design for Communication: Conceptual Graphic Design Basics, John Wiley & Sons Publishers (2003), and Graphic Design: A Problem-Solving Approach to Visual Communication, Prentice-Hall Publications (1984), as well as catalogs for the poster exhibition mentioned above. She has published illustrated articles and interviews with influential designers and educators for EYE Magazine (UK) Grafik Magazine (UK), tipoGrafica (Argentina), AIGA Journal of Graphic Design (US), Graphis (US), and others. Women Graphic Designers, Bloomsbury Visual Arts, will be published in 2025.




Final Jury Panel



Anna Kłos was born in Warsaw. Graphic artist, academic lecturer, curator of exhibitions. In 2007 she got her Ph.D. degree at Art Faculty of Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Poland. Since…

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Antonio Castro H. teaches graphic design at the University of Texas at El Paso, where he is an associate professor in the Department of Art. He received a BFA in…

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Byoungil-Sun was Born in 1958, in Korea. He is a graphic designer based in Seoul. Since 1995, he has been a professor in Visual Information Design at Namseoul University. He…

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Christopher Scott is an internationally recognised award-winning designer. Born in Northern Ireland, he received both a bachelor’s and a Masters degree in Design from the University of Ulster, Magee. The…

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“David Carson is a man who has transformed the field of graphic design throughout his career. Self-taught, resolutely grid-free, and unafraid to speak his mind (he’s also very funny), Carson’s…

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Prof. Dr. Arafat Al-Naim (1966) BFA, MFA, PhD in graphic arts and MST in art teaching. Academic. Leader, graphic artist, designer, and the moving spirit behind international art and design…

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Elizabeth Resnick is a Professor Emerita and former chair of Graphic Design at Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston, Massachusetts. She earned her B.F.A. and M.F.A. degrees in Graphic…

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Illustrator and graphic designer of Cuban origin, since 1997 he has lived and worked in Bolivia. In the field of graphics, he has participated in different competitions and biennials, such…

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Kiko Farkas is a designer and illustrator. Graduated from the Faculty of Architecture of the University of São Paulo, Kiko works mainly in the editorial, cultural and institutional areas. He…

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Mehdi Saeedi is an internationally known artist and designer based in Philadelphia who was born and raised in Tehran. The design vision of Saeedi is influenced by his focus on…

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Mirko Ilic was born in Bosnia. In Europe, he drew comics, illustrations, and art-directed posters, books, and record covers. In 1991 he became he became the art director of Time…

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Born in Denmark in 1975. Graphic Designer and Educator. Works and teaches in a field in the intersection between language, culture and space. She has a passion for graphic design…

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